Topic outline

  • General information

    This webinar aims to designate the potential role of solar energy resource and forecasting in solar farms’ efficient planning and operation.

    The participants will be able to understand the basics about solar resource and forecasting as well as the benefits of Earth Observation systems to the solar energy sector. State-of-the-art solar energy forecasting tools from European to municipality scale will be presented for selected cases.

    The webinar is mainly non-technical and targets planners on regional/city/municipal scale as well professionals with no extensive experience in solar energy.

    An EO4GEO Webinar | November 9th 2021 at 14:00 PM CET

    Organizers: University of Patras (UPAT) in collaboration with the e-shape project.

    Language: English

  • Agenda

    • Webinar content/EO4GEO project
    • Bringing together Earth Observation resources in Europe: the e-shape project
    • Energy Meteorology: Terms and Definitions
    • Earth Observation systems for Solar Energy
    • Solar energy nowcasting and short-term forecasting
    • Use of satellite data to assess and forecast solar energy potential in cities: from solar cadaster to PV variability at urban scale

  • Presentation

  • Record from webinar

  • Evaluation - questionnaires

    NOTE:  click on "add activity or topics" which is located on the right side of topics and add URL link to your questionnaire (one link for tutors and second for participants) or only change the URL address of examples

    NOTE: section is hidden for students


  • Evaluation - results