Topic outline

  • General information

    An EO4GEO Open Online Course

    EO4GEO and Novogit AB, invites you to this open online course on the use and management of CO2 budgets for municipal administrations. 

    A global CO2 budget (carbon budget) is the upper limit of CO2 emissions in order to remain below a specific average global temperature.  The global CO2 budget can be split in space and time, for instance as a national CO2 budget for the period 2020 – 2050. The budget may also include targets and a plan on how to reach the goals. 

    The concept of local CO2 budgets are now increasingly being introduced at municipal level, as a tool for planning, initiating and monitoring activities having an impact on climate change and CO2 emissions. This course deals with data issues to consider related to impact modelling, emission monitoring and forecasting

    Organizers: Novogit AB 

    Certificate: In order to receive a certificate you need to pass a test that covers the topics of all lectures and  answer the "Questionnaire for participants". This is important for us and the EO4GEO project. 

    Language: English

  • Lectures

    With the following modules and interactive material you will be able to take part in an introductory journey to discover how to work with CO2 budgets in municipalities.

    This course material has been developed using tools, concepts and guidelines under the framework of the EO4GEO project. Unless stated otherwise, all rights for figures and additional material are with the author(s).

  • Presentation

  • Questionnaires - Evaluation

    Obtaining the certificate:
    Successfully answer the questionnaires and the evaluation to receive a certificate for the OOC "CO2 budgets for municipalities" issued by EO4GEO. 

    Even if you don´t need the certificate please answer the "Questionnaire for participants". This is important for us and the EO4GEO project. Thank you!

  • Certificate